Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used with argocd CLI:

Environment VariableDescription
ARGOCD_SERVERthe address of the Argo CD server without https:// prefix
(instead of specifying —server for every command)
eg. ARGOCD_SERVER=argocd.example.com if served through an ingress with DNS
ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKENthe Argo CD apiKey for your Argo CD user to be able to authenticate
ARGOCD_OPTScommand-line options to pass to argocd CLI
eg. ARGOCD_OPTS=”—grpc-web”
ARGOCD_SERVER_NAMEthe Argo CD API Server name (default “argocd-server”)
ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_NAMEthe Argo CD Repository Server name (default “argocd-repo-server”)
ARGOCD_APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_NAMEthe Argo CD Application Controller name (default “argocd-application-controller”)
ARGOCD_REDIS_NAMEthe Argo CD Redis name (default “argocd-redis”)
ARGOCD_REDIS_HAPROXY_NAMEthe Argo CD Redis HA Proxy name (default “argocd-redis-ha-haproxy”)
ARGOCD_GRPC_KEEP_ALIVE_MINdefines the GRPCKeepAliveEnforcementMinimum, used in the grpc.KeepaliveEnforcementPolicy. Expects a “Duration” format (default 10s).